Golf Instructors

Instructor / WisconsinCedarburgGunnar A. Stapp
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Gunnar A. Stapp

Course: Pure Fitness, Hidden Glen Golf Club
Position: 3300 Hidden Glen Ln Cedarburg, WI 53012-9221
Phone: (262) 387-0100
What are you trying to accomplish? Your Goal just became OUR GOAL. Who are my students? - Jr High and High School golfers trying to make their JV and Varsity Teams - High School golfers trying to make their college teams - Club Professionals - College golfers trying to continue to improve - Beginning Golfers - High Level amateurs Experience: North Shore Country Club - 2008 to 2021 Hidden Glen Golf Club - 2022 to 2023 2012 Ping Top 100 Fitter 2015 Ping Top 100 Fitter 2023 Ping Power Fitter I've been an athlete my whole life and played college basketball, baseball and golf at Carleton College. Working with high level trainers across multiple sports greatly increased my knowledge of how the body moves. This knowledge, combined with my degree in Philosophy, allows me to approach your swing and your mind in different ways. I want to push you on the golf course and in life!