Craig,HEAD GOLF PROFESSIONAL,1984 - 2009,CANTERBURY GOLF CLUB,Beachwood, Ohio.HEAD GOLF PROFESSIONAL,1981 - 1983,MOUNDBUILDERS COUNTRY CLUB,Newark, Ohio.TEACHING PROFESSIONAL:April 1980 – October 1980,INVERNESS CLUB,Toledo, Ohio,ASSISTANT GOLF PROFESSIONAL:1976 - 1979,CANTERBURY GOLF CLUB,Beachwood, Ohio,ASSISTANT GOLF PROFESSIONAL:March 1975 – November 1975,SCIOTO COUNTRY CLUB,Columbus, Ohio,PGA of America Affiliations:Life Member PGA America,PGA ACHIEVEMENTS:2019 - NOPGA Hall of Fame,1999 - NOPGA Golf Professional of the Year,1995 - Qualified locally for the U.S. Open (Fowler’s Mill),1995 - Quarter Finalist in the PGA National Match Play Championship,1991 - Qualified for Hogan (Korn Ferry) Tour Event,1990 - Qualified locally for the U.S. Open (Scioto C.C. & Worthington Hills),1987 - Qualified for PGA National Club Professional Championship,1986 - Qualified locally for the U.S. Open (Scioto C.C. & Worthington Hills),1985 - Qualified for PGA National Club Professional Championship (Medalist),1985 - Northern Ohio PGA Section Championship Runner-up (lost in playoff),1984 - Northern Ohio PGA Match Play Champion,1984 - Qualified locally for the U.S. Open (LakeWood C.C. & Avon Oaks C.C.),1982 - Course Record 66 Moundbuilders C.C.,Won Numerous One Day Low Professional Scoring Honors,Lowest Competitive Tournament Round 6,BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION;GOLF ACCREDITATIONS:Class A PGA Member,Instructor PGA Playing Workshop,USGA-PGA Rules Workshop 1 & 2,Ben Hogan Fitting System,Slazenger Fitting System,GOLF INSTRUCTION:Golf Instruction using TrackMan and Video.Location: Todd Casabella Golf Academy,6661 Cochran Road, Solon, Ohio 44139,Rate:Adults - $100.00 per 45 min,3 Lesson Series $240,Juniors - $80.00 per 45 min,3 Lesson Series $210