Golf Instructors

Instructor / CaliforniaPalm DesertMason Monson
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Mason Monson

Course: Desert Falls Country Club, Palm Desert, CA
Email: Section: Southern California Section
My name is Jeong Park; it is my pleasure to introduce myself. I do ALL IN ONE service as a Class A member of PGA, COACH, Club maker & fitter, Fitness Specialist, Athletes Trainer, Sports Medicine, and Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture & Herbs specializing in tuning Golf Club and the human Skeletal System. If the golfer desires the best results without injury, these two components are in optimal condition and always work like one component synchronized when you play golf. For security, I teach different golf swings based on the requirement of the student's body. Because I studied this, it is critically important for golfers. As a part-time student mentioned, I studied and practiced all subjects for about 16 years while other colleagues teased me about learning unrelated to golf. After all, I am finalizing my Doctorate program in Chinese Medicine to serve better quality. Currently, I provide tuning to those who need help with their Golf Clubs & Skeletal Systems, including strengthening joints & muscles, and Emotions before and after golfing. I look forward to bringing you my expertise in Golf and Health related issues and feel highly privileged to have the opportunity to work with you.