Golfers Helping Golfers

Where your opinion counts!

foretee.com is a "Golfers helping Golfers" Internet Project. The website is your gateway to a world of golf course reviews made by golfers just like you.

foretee.com is representative of the best in Internet service. We provide a free, comprehensive, and valuable service to our online customer, the golfer. That service provides dated reviews of golf courses throughout the United States. The evaluators/rankers (golfers just like you) judge a course with an overall evaluation of the course (condition, layout, ambiance, etc) and an evaluation consideration factoring in price. The ranker even tells the price paid, time of day, day of week, and month played. This can be very helpful, an example, a Florida course in the winter that might cost $135 on the weekend might only be $35 on a weekday in the heat of the summer. The course might be ranked a 2-star value on a weekend winter day and a 5-star value on a weekday in the summer.

Before you play a new course for the first time, read what other golfers say about the course. With golfers providing feedback on course conditions, pricing, and comparisons with other courses in the area or in the price range, you might find out if you are in for a rude surprise, or better yet, find out about a better course nearby. Avoid surprises and disappointment. Read about the course before you show up.

Our Mission:

To provide golfers with unbiased evaluations of golf courses made by other golfers who have paid to play at the course, they ranked.

Our Membership:

All contributing rankers to foretee.com are non-paid and non-paying members of the website. Their participation is voluntary. They are members of this "Golfers Helping Golfers" Internet project. We appreciate their contribution to the golfing community and ask that you also participate. Thank you.


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